Digital management of expense reports
- Automatically manage expense reports starting from the photograph of the expense document (receipt, invoice, receipt, etc.)
- Dematerialize paper documents, automate data extrapolation and integrate with HR and administrative management systems
- Let employees access via App their calendar and refund requests history
- Allow staff to follow the approval process of the requests through an easy color system that indicates the approved requests (in green) and those with problems to be solved (in red)
- Define the details fields that need to be filled in to justify the expense
- Take advantage of the App’s ability to manage the foreign currency
- Make work easier for the administrative and HR data entry Office by providing them with a tool that requires them to simply approve the requests

Mileage refunds and real-time approval
- Create a list of justification staff can use to justify their expense
- Calculate automatically the costs associated with the distance traveled in kilometers
- Configure, from the Back Office, the conversion factor per km for every single user or each predefined group according to internal policies
- Monitor in real-time the expense reports sent by users
- Approve, reject or edit users’ refund requests from the Back Office

Digital storage and reporting
- Get rid of paper documents
- Preserve expense documents in their digital form for tax purposes according to the digital preservation rules
- Let user access their pdf report with the details of their expenses and the associated photographed documents
- Create an automated summary document to help administrators keep track of the total expense reports at the end of each month
- Integrate the module third-party payroll management systems

The Back Office
- Associate one or more approval levels to expense reports
- Approve, reject or edit users’ refund requests
- Create different expense categories and sub-categories with related policies
- Define a preset number of justifications for the expenses for users to use
- Segment users and create predefined groups that required the same company policy
- Define a maximum spending amount or a maximum number of receipts that can be opened for a given category per day
- Integrate credit card management

MyNet’s customers use it to
- Simplify the management of expense reports for tax purposes
- Unload the administrative department
- Monitor user refund requests in real-time
- Stop the need to maintain paper expense records and manage faded, illegible, and lost documents
- Automate the calculation of mileage reimbursements by configuring the conversion factor per kilometer according to the users and their role policies
- Manage expenses in foreign currency, with purchase limits set by the manager for groups or individual users