La cultura aziendale: come diffonderla al meglio attraverso il gioco
La cultura aziendale: una definizione Dare una precisa definizione di cultura aziendale è piuttosto complesso; di definizioni, in effetti...
The digitalization projects funded by the PNRR in relation to Public Administration have long shown the need to also guide PAs towards the introduction of digital solutions capable of making technology a valuable ally alongside people. With the MyNet software, public institutions can not only optimize time and costs but also give life to new, greener and sustainable ways of working.
Boost employee engagement and enhance the effectiveness of internal communication.
Create multimedia posts • Segment communication • Define publishers • Schedule publications.
Track attendance and control access through digital clock-in/out.
Monitor attendance • Generate QR codes • Resolve anomalies in real-time • Manage breaks.
Manage employees' leave and absences and streamline all approval workflows.
Organize approval workflows • Set up leave requests • Notify managers • Access a dedicated calendar.
The Corporate Social Network
The attendance tracking app
The leave, absence, and custom ticket management system
The document management software
The Corporate Training Management System
MyNet is the 100% customizable app that adapts to the needs of every company. Are you looking for a tool to improve internal communication, streamline HR and administrative processes, simplify operations, and enhance Corporate Social Responsibility?
Let yourself be inspired by the stories of those who have already chosen MyNet and discover its potential.
La cultura aziendale: una definizione Dare una precisa definizione di cultura aziendale è piuttosto complesso; di definizioni, in effetti...
I ritardi o la mancata timbratura del cartellino causata, ad esempio, da una dimenticanza data dalla fretta o dall’aver lasciato...
Un piano di comunicazione interna davvero efficace deve puntare alla creazione di relazioni tra persone attraverso la condivisione traspa...
La reputazione aziendale (anche chiamata corporate reputation o brand reputation) corrisponde alla percezione che le persone hanno di una...